Eyecedar Glasses
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Slien Lunettes Carrées Lunettes de prescription EYE16102
Eyecedar Coupon
8 Avis
Questions Répondues()€19.95
Eyecedar Coupon
Price includes 1.5 index prescription lenses and case.
Dimension: Moyen ( 52-18-145 ) 1 acheté = 1 offert
2 ans
Livraison gratuite
Standard Delivery
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La monture carrée et élancée est confortable à porter et s'adapte à la plupart des visages.
La technologie de placage bicolore interne et externe offre une couleur élégante.
Les lunettes sont légères et durables grâce à leur monture métallique en acier inoxydable.
Plusieurs choix de types de verres sont disponibles : verres simples, progressifs ou sans ordonnance.
La charnière à ressort robuste permet aux lunettes de s'adapter au visage et de réaliser une expérience de port confortable. Les plaquettes de nez réglables ajoutent au confort.
34 mmIf you are not completely satisfied with your order, you can request a free return within the first 30 days.
Standard single vision prescription orders ship within 48 hours, prescription sunglasses take an additional 3-business days to produce and multifocal lenses take an additional 3-business days to produce.
USA & Canada | L’Union Européenne | |
Standard | 8-10 business days Free | 8-10 business days Free |
Expedite | 6-8 jours ouvrables 3,99€ | 6-8 jours ouvrables 2,99€ |
Express | 3-4 jours ouvrables 15,95€ | 3-4 jours ouvrables 15,95€ |
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8 Avis
Basic blue light blocking lenses
Les verres standard clairs sans teinte conviennent à un usage quotidien.
Lentille standard sans teinte, peut être recouverte d'un revêtement protecteur pour les yeux et les lentilles.
Les verres anti-lumière bleue protègent les yeux en bloquant et en filtrant la lumière bleue nocive des écrans.
Blue-violet light from phones, computers, and tablets may cause some serious eyestrain, blue light blocking lenses are designed to provide protection from all that screen time.The screen protector lenses contains materials that block and filter harmful blue light from the screen,and these lenses filter a higher percentage of blue light.Help reduce exposure to Harmful Blue Light.With blue light blocking glasses, you can enjoy your screen time and preserve your eyesight.
The lenses automatically adapts to changes in light, darkening outdoors and clearing indoors.
The lens will change from clear to dark colors such as gray or brown, when you are outdoors, helping to block ultraviolet rays.The lens will change back to clear when you back to the room.This dual-purpose lens allows you to switch freely between indoors and outdoors.
Tinted lenses block strong UV and reflected light as well as harmful horizontal glare.
Polarized lenses contain layers of special filter which will block intense reflected light and terminate the harmful glare from a horizontal orientation.With those polarized layers, light will be filter into one direction so that we will be offered better vision in a higher contrast.85% tint for optimal protection from glare during solar radiation.You can choose a variety of colors for every wonderful moment.